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#0347 Heading 2/3 differences Back to index

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This sample is an experiment

These samples are permanent, but designed for a specific point in time. They likely won't be useful beyond their original purpose and will degrade over time as the Style Kit evolves. They are kept in case they are useful to others in the future.

Standalone (previous font sizes)

Heading X

Heading X

With content the same size between each heading (previous font sizes)

Providing context

Conveying context without colours or icons

Relying on colour or icons alone to indicate the meaning or context of an action or notice is bad practice. This information cannot is inaccessible to colour-blind users for example, or those using assistive technologies – such as screen readers.

Instead, efforts should be made to ensure that the context is either obvious from the content itself, or is included in an alternative form, such as with the .bsk-visually-hidden class.

Ideally contextual colours and icons should only be needed for reinforcing meaning that is already present in text or other markup.

Standalone (GDS font sizes)

Heading X

Heading X

With content the same size between each heading (GDS font sizes)

Providing context

Conveying context without colours or icons

Relying on colour or icons alone to indicate the meaning or context of an action or notice is bad practice. This information cannot is inaccessible to colour-blind users for example, or those using assistive technologies – such as screen readers.

Instead, efforts should be made to ensure that the context is either obvious from the content itself, or is included in an alternative form, such as with the .bsk-visually-hidden class.

Ideally contextual colours and icons should only be needed for reinforcing meaning that is already present in text or other markup.

Standalone (New font sizes)

Heading X

Heading X

With content the same size between each heading (New font sizes)

Providing context

Conveying context without colours or icons

Relying on colour or icons alone to indicate the meaning or context of an action or notice is bad practice. This information cannot is inaccessible to colour-blind users for example, or those using assistive technologies – such as screen readers.

Instead, efforts should be made to ensure that the context is either obvious from the content itself, or is included in an alternative form, such as with the .bsk-visually-hidden class.

Ideally contextual colours and icons should only be needed for reinforcing meaning that is already present in text or other markup.

Previous font sizes

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

GDS font sizes

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

New font sizes

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Series H1 (px) H2 (px) H3 (px) H4 (px) H2/H3 Difference (px)
Previous font sizes 40 32 28 24 4
GDS font sizes 48 36 24 19 12
Proposed font sizes 50 37 28 21 12 9